Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Note on that last note.

Also, Let's stop attempting to trick God. Who is He that He can be tricked by His creation?? That is the dumbest belief that many hold, and says a lot about our egos as human beings. You might be thinking "That's dumb, I'd never do that!" O yea? How about all the times you've tried to teeter totter on doing anything that's not specifically listed as a sin?? He knows what He's convicted you about, so when you reach the pearly gates and He asks you "Why did you (insert issue here)?" And you say "But God, you didn't write that down as a sin!" And He says "You're right, but I gave you My Spirit and specifically told you that was wrong EVERY TIME YOU DID IT! But you disobeyed Me.."

How dumb are you gonna look then. How will you feel? Will you wish you didn't try to just get in to Heaven? I'm not saying you'll be dropped into the inferno, but I am saying that's for you decide if you want to disobey Him or not. When you live on the edge, it's easy to get pushed over. Instead of trying to trick Almighty God who knows all things and hearts, why not strive to be as close to Him as we can possibly be in this life? Instead of seeking "not to sin", why don't we seek to be pure and holy and blameless before Him? I can guarantee you that when you do that, those sins that held you down before never will have the same power over you! Now, you will never be perfect. But you can strive for perfection, strengthening your relationship with your Heavenly Teacher and Guide on the way!

Just stop thinking you're smarter than God. You're not. Game Over.

In Christ,

(Just for an example, who will be a better athlete? He who strives to be the best on the team, or he who strives to be the best ever? Reach higher.)

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