Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On that last post:

Alright, so real lyfe (yes, "lyfe." its a theme.) application.

As I stated earlier in that Witnessing post, spring break was a real turning point in my walk with Christ. Actually this whole semester has been, this whole school year has been actually, so this would be recent turning point #3. But anyways, Spring break was ridiculous!

I don't know if I also stated it earlier, but the reason I had to get a ride from 'Somalia' to the airport is because Momma (grandma on dad's side, Rest In Peace) had passed over into God's care a week earlier, and her funeral was the first saturday of spring break. I was on a roll with the Lord up to this point and after this. I was truly learning the importance of prayer and had just started a campus wide prayer ministry with a couple friends (btw it is a great idea to become good friends with your bible study leaders if you want to stay strong in your walk with Christ), I was in my bible ALL DAY (during lunch time, any free time I had, I spent an entire weekend just studying the Word and going to church), I joined the Praise & Worship team at church, and was just praying and working to show love all day.

Now, hearing of Momma's death jumped started me to be even more on fire for the Lord. I was actually in bible study at school (W.O.W. Thursdays at 8pm haha SHOUTOUT!) when my parents tried to call me the first time, but I missed the call. But when I heard the news, I didn't know how to react. I certainly was not sad or upset, I couldn't really understand why right then but a few hours later I learned that it was a mixture of things. 1) I felt like all I should be doing was rejoicing for her, because there is no doubt in my mind that she is kickin it with Jesus right now. And that's the comfort that loved ones get when they lose a godly man or woman in their life. 2) I feel like the Lord was keeping me, because He planned on using me through this experience, so I couldn't rest yet.

Whatever it was, this experience (and the inspiration I gained through seeing this woman die in love with God and working for His glory, I'll tell you how she did so later) put me in hyperdrive for the Lord. I was praying what I knew were powerful, spirit filled prayers for everyone; instead of simply encouraging others as I did before I now encouraged them in the name of Jesus, I was posting scripture on my door, buying books for friends, playing christian music in my dorm whenever I could, etc. I was working for the Lord and doing whatever he told me to do, like there was no tomorrow, because I also realized that there is a large possibility that at any time I could breathe my last breath. The Lord had added more tools and strengths to my arsenal.

Furthermore, throughout the break I had my grandma on my mother's side with us the whole break, and she is a straight up spiritual G. Haha that woman is the most spirit-filled person I have ever met in my life. So she played mentor and I learned about warfare and so many things such as how to anoint and to proclaim my faith etc. In addition, I did a three day fast, eating and drinking nothing but the Word of God the whole time, Matthew 4:4 "...man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." So, it is extremely weird to say that all of this occurred in a week's time, but it did. God was building me up.

He continuously put me in situations to share my faith and be a light, leading up to the day (a week later) that Manhattan Christian fellowship was having a revival and a prophet was speaking (Prophet Forte). He gave me a word, and that night the Lord prompted me to post up that Testimonial note.

This note is getting extra long, so I'll continue on another post.

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