Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why I believe in God (another Testimony)

I believe in God...

Because of the things he's carried me through.

Various deaths, depression, low self-esteem, pornography addiction and homosexual thoughts.

And where He's brought me.

Boldness, a growing self-esteem and confidence, understanding of my gifts; understanding of how because I went through the many things that I did, I am able to guide and help others through the same things if I will just be bold and not let a selfish lack of courage leave those still going through it in the dark.

Through it He's strengthened my ties to Him..

Every time I cried out to Him for strength I submitted a bit more of me to His will. A little bit more of me was given to Him (sometimes it was like pulling teeth, and sometimes it was in awe of something He had already done) and in return a bit more of Him was given to me.
As God gave more of His spirit to me, He taught me more about the person I was created to become. He taught me that no matter how hard I try to "find myself", without Him it will only end in frustration and a larger gap between us..

Through it He's built me up...

Psalm 119:67 David writes, "Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now Your word do I keep [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it]."

That's what He's doing in me. He allows me to go through things so that I can grow through them. Before He allowed me to make the wrong decisions, I was naive and only did the right things because I was afraid of what would happen if my parents found out, or how people would judge, or just because I had been told it was wrong. While other things were just gray area, I simply did not know, I couldn't find how they were definitely wrong but also couldn't find how they could be right.
After these things occurred, I had to learn for myself what God says. I had to develop an ear to hear him when he says "Don't do that". I had to develop methods to use that would help me avoid bad habits and abort the seed that would birth sin at first sight.

God exposes His people to battle so that they can understand the enemy's tactics.

As I'm noting this and writing this down I'm still being shaped and molded and will continue to be so in the future until the day I die, but there is that hope that each day will be brighter than the last. And through what I've already experienced, I know that His likeness will be found more present within me every day. So I'm going to keep hoping and staying faithful, He's working.

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